b1992. Paola has a BA degree in Visual Arts that she completed in Bogotá, Colombia and The University of the Arts Helsinki. Currently, she is doing her master's degree in Time and Space in the Fine Arts program at The University of the Arts Helsinki (Kuvataideakatemia), where she is getting skills in moving image and spatial arts. She is one of the Co-Founders of the artist film collective
that has been running since 2017.

Her artistic practice has been based on the idea of time traveling. Since she moved away from her home country Colombia, she has found more and more questions related to her origin, her family, and all the transnational objects that have been taking her back to her homeland in a symbolical way. An example is her documentary "My aquarium", in which the central object is the aquarium that she left at her house in Colombia. In this documentary, she explores emotions of longing and the physical and mental state of time traveling through experimental tools by approaching the characters in unconventional ways and by showing events through sounds, narrations, interviews with her parents, images of the hands of her father and images of the house.

Newspaper HBL 28th September 2019 Finland

“Paola Guzmán Figueroa's ambitious and psychoanalytically charged entirety "time travel" must be mentioned. The versatile installation consists of video, photography, light, shadow and an aquarium in which dark hair swims around. What may have been a chaotic cacophony is mature and cohesive, unpleasant but well restrained”.
Weekly Helsinki newspaper
September 2019

Paola invites you to come and see her piece "Time Travel" Time Travel: Ladies and gentlemen, we just landed at the El Dorado airport in Bogotá, it is 4 p.m. and the temperature is 17 degrees centigrade. Keep your seatbelt buckled until the signal light goes off, keep your phones in airplane mode ...
Articles about "Time Travel" Installation September 2019
Kino Club Helsinki